
ハトホルメッセージ「コズミック・ウィンドウ」 2012年12月4日('The Cosmic Window' 翻訳)

The Cosmic Window

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

In this final message of the year we wish to address an energetic opportunity for the elevation of consciousness and the illumination of your mind, heart and body. We call this the Cosmic Window because it is an opening through which you can more easily transcend the perceived limitations of time and space.

The window we are speaking about in this message begins on December 21, 2012 (the Winter Solstice) and continues for three days, through December 23, 2012. This Cosmic Window is visited twice every year during both the Winter and Summer Solstices.

As each year progresses various planetary and galactic alignments take place and “color” the window through which you can perceive your expanded nature. There are other cosmic windows as well.

Two of Earth’s most frequent cosmic windows occur just before sunrise and just after sunset. These two windows are dimensional portals through which you can peer more easily through the veils that separate the worlds. Shamans are well aware of these auspicious moments, but the Cosmic Window we are speaking about in this message has greater import, due to its alignment with the galactic core, the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in fact, a black hole.

This particular and rare alignment will result in a broadcasting of evolutionary energies throughout the galaxy. Your Earth is one of innumerable planets receiving this energy of upliftment.

As we view it, this cosmic alignment does not sound the end of your world, but it does herald a new beginning. How each of you deals with these catalytic evolutionary energies is a personal choice.

Indeed many individuals might experience these intense energies as an irritant. If you are not prepared mentally, emotionally and energetically to jump to higher levels within yourself, these energies can make you feel like you’re losing your mind.

If, however, you are aligned with the movement upward you will be carried by these energies. They can open extraordinary vistas for you if you are open to them.

This three-day period is an ideal time to contemplate your life from the vantage point of expanded states of consciousness, to step outside your timeline to sense the patterns of your life and your personal history that have brought you to this point in time.

Do not shy away from those portions of your earthly experience that have been and perhaps are, difficult. There are treasures to be found in the shadows.

Indeed, it is from the shadows of your collective and personal history that new energies will be released. Our suggestion on how to enter into this window centers around the Aethos Sound Meditation.

We suggest you read a previous message entitled The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness to more fully understand the method. We suggest you work with the five-minute version of the sound meditation unless you are familiar and comfortable with the intense upwardly moving energetics of this catalytic sound piece in the longer version.

At various moments throughout this three-day period we suggest you set aside some time in which you will not be disturbed. Listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation with your focus of attention in your heart chakra, unless you have discovered that focusing in another chakra imparts more powerful experiences.
After listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation imagine in whatever way feels comfortable to you that some part of you floats up above your timeline. Imagine that this part of you can sense your entire history and perhaps the histories of previous lives as well.

Resting in this transcendent state of mind, contemplate the mysterious gift and burden of your embodied life.

If you stumble upon a “knotty” or difficult situation that brings you down from your transcendent state into the emotional cauldron of regret, anger, despair and/or hopelessness, pause and return to the Aethos Sound Meditation again and rise upward, as it were, upon it’s wings to your transcendent nature and contemplate again. For some of you this may take many cycles.

We suggest you undertake this as many times as you are comfortable with during this three-day period. If you can manage yourself through the art of patience we suggest you avoid the temptation to create outcomes until the last portion of this window, which will be in the evening of December 23. The more deeply you contemplate your life in the manner we have described the more powerful your creations will be.

In a previous Planetary Message entitled The Sphere of All Possibilities, we shared a method for manifesting positive outcomes in your life. We suggest reading this if you do not have a personal method for manifesting. Seeding new realities during the final phase of this Cosmic Window will greatly assist your creations.

Finally, we ask that in the final portions of the Cosmic Window, the evening of the 23rd, you add the powers of your consciousness toward a planetary outcome. Envision planetary cooperation and humanity’s collective recognition of life’s inter-connectedness as we described it in The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness.

The great vessel of humanity is poised to change direction. As the winds of change press against the sails of this metaphorical ship, do not be concerned as the ship lists as one side or the other presses against the waters of collective emotion.

The keel will keep your vessel safe. The keel is your human heart and whatever occurs around you, set your keel deep into the waters, and you will find safe passage.
The Hathors

December 4, 2012

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
In terms of practicalities, I would like to clarify one part of this message for those who might not be familiar with floating up above their timelines.
The basic method is simply to listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation with awareness in your heart chakra. (If you have already experimented with this sound piece and find that you have more vivid experiences when you place your mental focus in some other chakra, then you might choose to focus there.)
After listening to the five-minute version of the sound meditation, the Hathors suggest that you….“ imagine that some part of you floats up above your timeline. Imagine that this part of you can sense your entire history and perhaps the histories of previous lives as well.”
If you are an experienced Argonaut of the Mind, then you probably have your own way of slipping through the knot of perceived time and space to experience your expanded nature. And from this aspect of yourself you can “view” your life from a position outside life’s constraints, so to speak. And as the Hathors said, some of you might find yourselves contemplating other life times as well.
If you are new to this type of brain skill, and don’t know how to proceed with this phase of the contemplation, I have a couple of suggestions.
Suggestion Number One:
Imagine a line in front of you. Sense this line in whatever way that feels comfortable to you. This mediation is in no way a visualization, and it is immaterial whether you see anything or not.
You will naturally tend to sense this imaginary timeline in your own primary sensory modality (meaning the sense you use most often when remembering events in the past or imagining events in the future). For some of you this might mean that you “feel” the timeline in some way especially if you are a kinesthetic processor of information. Others (called auditory processors) might have an internal voice that describes the timeline, while visual processors will tend to have a mental impression of “seeing” the timeline. Just go with how you sense the timeline when you imagine it.
Next, imagine that at one end of this line is your birth and the portion of the line directly in front of you is the current moment of your life. The other end of the line, not yet defined, is your death. For some people, their births will be off to the left while others may sense it off to the right. It doesn’t matter where the birth point of your life is.
Then as you contemplate various incidents in your life, locate them along the line in your imagination. Thus, if something occurred that was significant when you were five years old, it would be closer to your birth point than say something that happened when you were forty, and so forth.
The goal of this contemplation is to sense your life and the choices you have made from the vantage point of your expanded nature. In order to accomplish this change in perspective (or vantage point), imagine that some part of you floats up above the timeline that is directly in front of your physical body. You might find that this “floating part of you” is just above you, or it might be very far above you. Let the “part” float to the position it wishes to, and then observe your timeline and your personal history from this location outside the constraints of your physical body.
In this message, the Hathors suggest listening to the Aethos Sound Meditation for five-minutes (with awareness in your heart chakra) and then to contemplate the situations in your life from the vantage point that is above your imagined timeline.
One result of this perspective (i.e., outside and above your timeline) is that you become less identified with the specific events of your life and more identified with the expanded aspects of your nature. This expanded sense of yourself transcends the stories of your life—your personal history—and connects you with an aspect of your consciousness that is unfettered by the circumstances of your past. Through the shifting of self-identity from “your life” as it is experienced in your timeline, you can make contact with your larger Self that views your personal history quite differently than the “you” that is living your life as a human.
This shift of perspective brings with it a greater sense of self-compassion (or self-love) as well as a type of grace that often eludes those of us living our lives as embodied beings.
I have worked with the basic method that the Hathors describe, but find it more powerful to listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation for a few minutes before contemplating my life, and then continue listening to the extended version of the sound meditation while viewing my life above my imagined timeline (the one that is in front of my physical body).
I find that keeping my focus in my heart chakra while listening and floating up above my timeline creates a lot more energy, imparts deeper insights and generates very interesting holographic types of visual imagery when I hit a significant event in my past.
I ran this observation by one of my mentors and he said that this way of working was highly effective, but might be too powerful for those new to the sound meditation.
The reason for this is that the Aethos Sound Meditation is a very high vibrational energy and can start a spiritual purification process in the listener. So practically speaking, I think it best to work with the five-minute version first, before venturing into the longer thirty-minute version. But once you get accustomed to the sound meditation, see if the method I just described works for you.
Suggestion Number Two:
Some people are simply not good at imagining geometric forms, even lines, much less working with them. If you are such a person, this next suggestion works quite well.
Forget about timelines altogether, and instead, listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation for five-minutes with awareness in your heart chakra. Then immediately after listening, think about your life and the crucial events in your past. Keep your focus of attention in your heart chakra while you do this. Then when you hit a “knot” or emotional charge, keep your focus in your heart chakra while you contemplate the event(s). If the emotional charge builds too much, return to the five-minute version of the sound meditation keeping your focus in your heart until the emotional charge of the remembered event(s) recede from your mind. When you get an expanded sense of yourself again, stop the sound meditation and return to contemplation of the past event(s). Continue to work with your past in this way until you have neutralized the impact of the memory/memories.
The goal of the meditation is to view your life from an expanded sense of yourself. And from this expanded sense of your personal identity (i.e., outside perceived time and space), your views of yourself and your past will change.
The Mysterious Gift
I found a phrase in this message to be of particular interest to me, and it occurred in the portion of the communication where the Hathors were addressing the goal of this specific contemplation.
“Resting in this transcendent state of mind, contemplate the mysterious gift and burden of your embodied life.”
It is interesting that the Hathors, who reside primarily in the fourth through the twelfth dimensions, would view embodied life as both a gift and a burden. What did they mean by this? I had my own thoughts on the matter but went to my mentors and asked them to clarify.
They essentially said that human life is a rare and precious opportunity to learn dimensional mastery, meaning the ability to navigate through time and space, while operating from a realization of being transcendent to time and space. This is the gift of embodiment, as they view it, because the tension between our infinite natures and the finite limitations of our bodies is the stuff out of which greater spiritual mastery arises.
The burden of human embodied life, from their perspective, comes from the fact that we humans are wedged between the constraints of time, place and circumstance—most of which serve to reinforce our sense of limitation.
Add to this the unrelenting force of entropy and the ever-constant pull from the gravity-well of Earth, and you really have something to contend with.
Indeed, the task of making contact with our infinite unbounded natures while operating within the reality of physical and cultural constraints is, in many ways, a herculean effort. And that is why life is, to borrow a phrase from Joseph Campbell, the hero’s (or heroine’s) journey.
Note: The parenthesis is mine. The actual phrase attributed to Campbell is the hero’s journey. My personal sense is that he was using the masculine form to refer to both men and women—as that was (and still is) the social convention. While some may think it is splitting hairs to delineate both the hero and the heroine, I think the inclusion of the feminine in the mythic template of heroism is vital. Social realities are shaped by both physical necessity and mythic/religious symbolism. Indeed, from my sense of things, mythic symbolism is a potent force that moves through the tapestry of culture and affects us in ways we are largely unaware of. In the reality of earthly life, women are often cast into the roles (and/or necessity) of being heroic, just as men often are. I think it is time to raise men and women to equal footing on this matter.
The Contemplation of Life
It occurred to me, after receiving this message, that the method the Hathors gave for contemplating our lives during the Cosmic Window would be a powerful transformational tool anytime—especially during life transitions.
I ran this by my mentors , and they said yes, the method could be used anytime to great benefit. It is simply that this specific Cosmic Window is particularly charged with catalytic energies, which is why they brought the technique forward at this time.
Although I addressed it earlier, I think it would be helpful to return to the pivotal point of the method for those of you who wish to use this technique after we have passed through this particular alignment.
The crucial concept behind the method is our habitual act of self-identification. Normally, we self-identify through our bodily existence. We experience our life as a linear movement through time and space.
This is our biological reality, and as human mammals we are bound to this via our nervous systems and the necessity to orient ourselves to the realities of the physical world in order to survive.
However, there is an aspect of ourselves that is transcendent to time and space, or at the very least, somewhat detached from it.
How you get to this expanded sense of yourself is immaterial. What is important is the act of stepping outside the box of your own self-identifications.
The Aethos Sound Meditation is one way to step outside “the box.” There are many other ways to do this as well. How you get there is not that important.  However, stepping into an expanded sense of yourself is vital. It is from this expanded sense of Self that you can contemplate your life from a perspective that is not bound by the stories and the conflicts of your life.
There is power in doing this.
Final Thoughts
The Hathors say that the third and final day of the Cosmic Window, December 23rd, is a potent window for personal manifesting. And if you wish to explore this opportunity using their method for creation, I suggest you read their planetary message, The Sphere of All Possibilities.
It is during this final phase of the Cosmic Window that the Hathors put forth a request. They ask that we add the powers of our intent to a specific planetary outcome—the collective recognition of life’s interconnectedness and the necessity for planetary cooperation between the peoples of the world (as opposed to conflict).
Their suggestion on how to accomplish this task appears in one of their previous messages, The Aethos and Non-dual States of Consciousness. You can find a link to the Aethos Sound Meditation at the end of this message and you can also find a link to the sound meditation in the Listening section of the website.
You can locate all past Hathor Planetary messages in the Archives section of the website by clicking on theHathors tab that appears on the Home Page.
Information Unrelated to this Message
We have posted several new audio files in the Listening section of the website, including an excerpt from a Hathor Intensive called Transmissions of Light.
The potent sound meditations that took place during the Intensive have been collected into a single CD that centers around the seven endocrine glands for the purpose of infusing them with spiritual light. This new recording is now available as both a physical CD and/or as an mp3 audio download.
Click here for further information about Transmissions of Light.
Tom Kenyon
©2012 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved   www.tomkenyon.com
You may make copies of this message and distribute it any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it, do not alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice. The meditations in the Listening Section are for your personal listening only and may not be distributed or copied without permission from Tom Kenyon. They may not be posted on any other web site or any social media site.


ハトホルメッセージ 2011年9月27日(翻訳)

http://tomkenyon.com/transmission-of-light-the-pituitary-dimensional-attunement より転載

Transmission of Light: The Pituitary Dimensional Attunement

A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

From our perspective the ascension process can be viewed as two converging energetic streams.

The first involves your KA body, your subtle energy body (i.e. your etheric twin or spiritual double). Any method that raises the vibratory rate of the KA is a method for ascension.

The second stream involves the physical body and the transformation of matter into light.

The complete metamorphosis of matter into light is a very advanced form of ascension, and is generally only seen in highly developed Initiates.

However, the seed forms of this metamorphosis can, and do, present themselves in various stages of the ascension process.

The sound meditation we wish to share with you is a vehicle to increase the inflow of spiritual light (i.e. interdimensional light,) into your endocrine system.

During the ascension process the hormones that comprise your biological sea and the inner realities of your body go through a refinement.

This sound meditation is a gentle yet potent means to facilitate this upward movement.

The Meditation

We wish to share two methods for working with this Attunement.

The first is for beginners, those of you who are unfamiliar with the inner realms of your own consciousness.

The second method is for those of you who are more advanced.

Both of these methods work quite well.

Recognize where you are in your own development and choose accordingly.

The First Method

In this approach you simply place your focused attention in the area of your pituitary gland, the master regulator of your endocrine system.

As with all of the previous Dimensional Attunements we have given, the sounds you will hear are analogs of fluctuations in the light realms, and they will create a movement of energies in the pituitary, so long as you hold your attention in the general area of the pituitary gland.

This area is located approximately one inch (or 2cm) behind the bridge of the nose.

This general area is all that you need to focus on. It is not necessary to be exact.

Simply resting your awareness in the area will accomplish the task. The operative word here is “rest” your awareness.

This is not concentration.

You simply rest your attention in the area of the pituitary gland and allow the sounds you hear to affect the area.

When your mind wanders, simply bring it back to focused attention on the pituitary.

The Second Method

For those of you more familiar with your inner realms, we suggest you imagine that the area of your pituitary gland is a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water.

This mental impression shifts your brain/mind into a highly receptive state and generates a quality of consciousness that is very helpful to this particular type of transformational work.

We suggest the white lotus because all colors and all frequencies are held within it.

You can imagine this lotus as a partially or fully opened blossom, or if you prefer, you can imagine it as a closed bud.

Hold the mental impression of this white lotus in the area of your pituitary gland, and as with the first method, when your mind wanders, bring it back to the lotus and the area of your pituitary.

Whether you use the first method or the second, the catalytic sounds will cause a movement of subtle energies within the pituitary creating a cascade of energetic effects throughout all of the glands that comprise your endocrine system.

As you continue to experience this Attunement, you will become more familiar with its subtle and potent effects.

We suggest that before you begin, you spend a few moments separating yourself from the concerns of your daily life.

Draw a line between this short meditation and the rest of your life.

The meditation is approximately five minutes long, and after you are done listening to it, we suggest you spend a few moments in silence, sensing the area of your pituitary.

If you are energetically sensitive and aware, you can feel the subtle effects in all of your glands.

As we said previously, this Attunement is subtle, yet potent.

And this odd paradox is based upon an intricate relationship between matter and energy.

As you move into the more subtle levels of matter (i.e. sub-atomic particles) there is more potential energy.

Likewise, as you move into the more subtle levels of your own consciousness there is also an increase in energy (i.e. the powers of consciousness).

The patterns that comprise this Attunement are precise and they form complex relationships in the subtle realms of consciousness.

Do not be deceived by its simplicity.

This Attunement is a potent transformer of consciousness.

We therefore suggest that you experiment and find your own comfort zone with this particular Attunement.

When you generate an increase of light-flows within the pituitary gland and the endocrine system, you release a potent and powerful purification.

Each of you has your own comfort zone in this.

For some of you, listening to the Attunement once a day will be all you can comfortably handle.

Others may feel drawn to listen to it multiple times.

As you proceed to listen to this Attunement on a regular basis, you will find your energetic nesting or comfort zone expanding, and you will be able to listen to it multiple times.

But the guiding principle is your comfort zone.

If you listen to this Attunement too often for your own energetic reality, you will know that you have crossed the line.

You will recognize that you are releasing more energies within you than you are comfortable dealing with.

The simple fact is that as the glands comprising your endocrine system receive fluctuations of light, via the pituitary gland, they release inhibiting patterns of energy and consciousness.

The only guideline here is to proceed in a manner that is comfortable to you.

Those of you who are more warrior-like in your nature can push the river, so to speak.

But do realize that you are greatly accelerating the energetic transformation of your endocrine system.

And if your perception, your thoughts and feelings, speed up too much, then slow down. Listen to the Attunement less often and find your comfort zone.

Transmissions of Light

The World Meditation on 11/11/11
ワールドメディテーション 20111111

For those of you who choose to join us energetically, wherever you are, during the World Meditation on November 11, 2011, we ask that you work with this Attunement on a regular basis.
エネルギー的に私たちに参加することを選んだ人は、あなたがどこにいても、 20111111日のワールドメディテーションの間、定期的にこのアチューンメントのワークを行うことをお願いしたいと思います。

The more familiar you are with this Attunement, and the more comfortable you are with its subtle effects, the more you will gain from the World Meditation when it takes place.

During this World Meditation, the Attunement sequence will be repeated seven times for the group gathered in Seattle for this event.

They will be holding the physical focus for this World Meditation, but the energetic of the Meditation, as well as the three-day gathering in Seattle, will transcend both time and space.

In other words, you can enter into profound states of inner awareness during the event, regardless of where you might physically be.

Dates and Times

The actual World Meditation, itself, will run from 9 pm until 10 pm September 11th PST. (Note: This is 5 am – 6 am  Saturday, November 12, GMT.)

If you choose to ride the energetic during this specific hour-long meditation, we suggest you listen to the Attunement seven times and then sit in silence for twenty to thirty minutes with your attention in the area of your pituitary.

If possible, we suggest that you then lie down and rest.

The transformational energies around this Meditation will extend for a three-day period, which will begin at 7 pm on September 11th PST and continue until September 13th at 4 pm, PST.

Meditation on the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement will be particularly potent during this time period. (To find your time corollary go to www.timeandate.com)

We are releasing this Pituitary Dimensional Attunement at a propitious and precarious time in the ascent of human consciousness.

We do so with the hopes that it will assist you to reclaim your sovereign will as co-creators.

It is also our view that this particular Attunement will serve you as a transformational tool for many years into your future.

Of all the Dimensional Attunements we have given, this one is our most treasured.

During its creation, this Attunement was birthed from, and infused with, transformational energies from the 5th through the 12th dimensions of our interdimensional reality.

By its very nature, this Attunement carries a subtle yet potent evolutionary energy.

Many of you will use this Attunement to more clearly see the mystery of how you co-create your realities.

And as the veils that separate physical reality from subtle realities part, you will awaken to a new vision of yourself, as well as a new understanding of your place in the cosmos.


The Hathors

September 27, 2011


Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

It is best if you listen to this particular Attunement with stereo headphones. This is due to the fact that the stereo sound patterns of this audio recoding create complex moving vortices of subtle energy. And these vortices rotate and spin wherever you place your focus of attention.  If you choose to listen to the Attunement without stereo headphones, it would help to separate your left and right speakers so that you get more of the stereo effect.
Do not listen to this Attunement while driving a car or in situations requiring your full attention.
I have worked with the Attunement using both the first and more advanced method the Hathors mentioned. And as they said, both methods work quite well.
These methods are self-explanatory, except for one detail regarding the white lotus method. When you imagine “a white lotus flower floating on a still and infinite body of pure water,” imagine the lotus and the body of water in those ways that feel comfortable to you.  In other words, this is not a visualization exercise. If you tend to visualize things in your mind’s eye, then you might very well have a visual impression of the lotus and the water. But if you don’t tend to visualize things, then you will experience the lotus and the water in the sensory modality you are most comfortable with.
I can personally attest to the subtle potency of this Attunement. And based upon my own personal experience with it, I agree with the Hathors’ repeated suggestion to find our comfort zones. This little sound piece can, indeed, generate a subtle energetic purification.
My impression, having worked with this Attunement for a while, is that it unquestionably generates moving vortices of subtle energy in my pituitary gland. And from here, these subtle energies spontaneously move throughout my endocrine system.
The Attunement generally has a calming, nurturing and deeply restorative quality. But if I listen to it for too long, it creates a purification action. In this case, I feel like I am on edge and irritated. This tells me that I have crossed the line out of my comfort zone, or as the Hathors say—my energetic nesting.
Whenever I listen to this Attunement, I feel as if I am opening myself to the enlivening qualities of interdimensional light.  I have also observed that these enlivening energies sometimes stir things up inside me. And when this occurs, I think of it as internal house cleaning. I don’t stop cleaning just because some “dust” is in the air.  I just pace myself.  And I strive to be patient because, after all, there are many rooms in my inner house and a lot of them are in need of cleaning.
I have found, and continue to find, this Attunement to be deeply transformative.
I also find it most fascinating to explore the interface between consciousness and matter, specifically myconsciousness and the matter that comprises my body. I sense immense opportunities within this Attunement for self-exploration and self-discovery.
This Attunement is, in my opinion, an elegant and exquisite vessel for exploring some of the depths that reside within us.
And in that vein I wish you, my fellow Argonauts of the Mind, deep and rewarding journeys.
Tom Kenyon
Click here to listen to or download the Pituitary Dimensional Attunement Note: After you click on the above link, you will be taken to the Listening Agreement in the Sound Gifts section. After agreeing to the terms, you can listen to and/or download the audio file as you wish.
Those interested in the topic of energetic purification may find the following article helpful: Psycho-spiritual Detoxification
Those new to the concept of ascension may find the following Hathor Message helpful: The Art of Jumping Timelines

© 2011 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.